September 2016 Newsletter


Words of Wisdom

A Zen master once said, “Be unmoved by the wind of joy, unstirred by the wind of anger.” Observe that all phenomena are illusive manifestations of causes and conditions. Unmoved by external circumstances, this present mind will have the power of stillness and wisdom, attaining self-mastery and liberation.  —Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh
禪宗祖師說:「喜風吹不動,瞋風吹不生。」觀一切都是因緣、都是假相,心不隨外境所轉,當下這念心就有定力、就有智慧,就得解脫、得自在。—惟覺大和尚法語 —惟覺大和尚法語
(For more words of wisdom)


Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony

“Hatred is never appeased by hatred in the world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.”—The Dhammapada Sutra.
Guan Yin Bodhisattva is the manifestation of great compassion and teaches us that hatred can only be extinguished through compassion. On Sunday, September 25 at 9:30 a.m. Buddha Gate Monastery invites you to participate in our Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony. Together, let’s learn and practice the spirit of great compassion. After the ceremony, please join us for a free vegetarian lunch.

Picture2188 Buddhas Repentance Ceremony

Join us on Fridays, October 7 and November 11, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, in chanting the 88 Buddhas. It is an excellent way to clear our karmic obstacles and draw out our inner wisdom.

Half-Day Meditation Retreat

Meditation can help you focus your mind, calm down, become more aware, and see things as they truly are. If you have completed the beginning meditation classes, we invite you to participate in the half-day meditation retreat to further advance your meditation practice. The upcoming half-day meditation retreat is on October 9, 16 and 23 and November 6, 13 and 20 from 8:30 am to noon.

One Stick of Incense

This is an hour-long service of chanting the sutras in English, meditating, and listening to a Dharma talk. This process helps us purify our minds and develop our inner wisdom and compassion. We finish by dedicating merits to all sentient beings in hope that they will awaken to their pure nature, and obtain inner peace and joy. Buddist Service is open to everyone and ideal for first-time visitors. The upcoming dates are October 2, December 11, and December 18. 

Meritorious Volunteering

Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.


Words of Wisdom

A Zen master once said, “Be unmoved by the wind of joy, unstirred by the wind of anger.” Observe that all phenomena are illusive manifestations of causes and conditions. Unmoved by external circumstances, this present mind will have the power of stillness and wisdom, attaining self-mastery and liberation.  —Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh
禪宗祖師說:「喜風吹不動,瞋風吹不生。」觀一切都是因緣、都是假相,心不隨外境所轉,當下這念心就有定力、就有智慧,就得解脫、得自在。—惟覺大和尚法語 —惟覺大和尚法語
(For more words of wisdom)


Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony

“Hatred is never appeased by hatred in the world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.”—The Dhammapada Sutra.
Guan Yin Bodhisattva is the manifestation of great compassion and teaches us that hatred can only be extinguished through compassion. On Sunday, September 25 at 9:30 a.m. Buddha Gate Monastery invites you to participate in our Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony. Together, let’s learn and practice the spirit of great compassion. After the ceremony, please join us for a free vegetarian lunch.

Picture2188 Buddhas Repentance Ceremony

Join us on Fridays, October 7 and November 11, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, in chanting the 88 Buddhas. It is an excellent way to clear our karmic obstacles and draw out our inner wisdom.

Half-Day Meditation Retreat

Meditation can help you focus your mind, calm down, become more aware, and see things as they truly are. If you have completed the beginning meditation classes, we invite you to participate in the half-day meditation retreat to further advance your meditation practice. The upcoming half-day meditation retreat is on October 9, 16 and 23 and November 6, 13 and 20 from 8:30 am to noon.

One Stick of Incense

This is an hour-long service of chanting the sutras in English, meditating, and listening to a Dharma talk. This process helps us purify our minds and develop our inner wisdom and compassion. We finish by dedicating merits to all sentient beings in hope that they will awaken to their pure nature, and obtain inner peace and joy. Buddist Service is open to everyone and ideal for first-time visitors. The upcoming dates are October 2, December 11, and December 18. 

Meritorious Volunteering

Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.


[:en]August 2016 Newsletter[:]


Words of Wisdom

“Fear not a thought arising, but a thought undetected.” When a bad thought arises, see through it right away. Having committed bad deeds, turn around immediately onto the path of virtue, vowing never to make the same mistakes again. This way, every step will take our life toward a brighter future, leading ultimately to liberation. —Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh


(For more words of wisdom)


Ullambana Ceremony & Meng Shan Food Bestowal Services

To repay the kindness of Grand Master Wei-Chueh, the four-assembly disciples host a “Gratitude Ceremony on Medicine Buddha Sutra During the Sangha Summer Retreat” from May 14th to August 14th.  On August 28th, after the completion of the Sangha Summer Retreat, the “Ullambana Ceremony Meng Shan Food Bestowal and Memorial Services” will take place at Buddha Gate Monastery.

The Ullambana sutra says, “Buddha’s disciples who practice filial piety should frequently think of their parents and their parents of the past seven incarnations. Every year, on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, make the Ullambana offering to the Buddha and the Sangha for their parents in order to repay their love and kindness in raising them.”  During this ceremony many services will be hosted., including chanting the Medicine Buddha Sutra, chanting the Ullambana Sutra, the Meal Offering to the Buddha and Sangha, and the Meng Shan Bestowal Food and Memorial Services. May the mercies of the Three Jewels liberate our parents and the parents of past incarnations. May they eradicate bad karmas and be reborn in the wholesome realms. May the present living parents increase blessings and obtain longevity and peace.  Moreover, we offer these pure merits to repay the four kindnesses and liberate the three wretched realms.  Let’s dedicate the merits to the peace of the world and all sentient beings. May everyone bring forth the Bodhi mind and realize the pure nature. To learn more about the meaning of Ullambana.

Picture2188 Buddhas Repentance Ceremony

Join us on Fridays, September 9, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, in chanting the 88 Buddhas. It is an excellent way to clear our karmic obstacles and draw out our inner wisdom. Click here to learn more.

Meritorious Volunteering

Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.


[:en]June / July 2016 Newsletter[:]


Words of Wisdom

To change our fate, we should focus on the cause instead of the outcome. The Buddhist teaching of causality tells us that what happens in our lives come from our own efforts. Understanding causality means we can create our own destiny. —Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh
(For more words of wisdom)


Gratitude Medicine Buddha Sutra Ceremony During the Sangha Summer Retreat

On Sundays, June 12, and July 10, join us for the Gratitude Ceremony on Medicine Buddha Sutra. The Medicine Buddha is associated with healing and the curing of illnesses, both physical and mental (of which delusion is the root cause) through the medicine of the Buddhist teachings.
From May 14 to August 21, Buddha Gate Monastery invites all Dharma friends and disciples to join us in the daily recitation of the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata during the Sangha Summer Retreat. To learn more about the Sangha Summer Retreat, and to view the daily recitation schedule, please click here.

88 Buddhas Repentance CeremonyPicture21

Join us on Fridays, June 24, and July 22, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, in chanting the 88 Buddhas. It is an excellent way to clear our karmic obstacles and draw out our inner wisdom. Click here to learn more.


4th of July Peace Ceremony

On Monday, July 4, from 7:30pm to 8:10pm, Buddha Gate Monastery will host our annual 4th of July Peace Ceremony where we chant the Heart Sutra and make candlelight offerings to the Buddha, symbolizing the shattering of our ignorance and illuminating our inner wisdom. As the sun starts to set, we will make our pilgrimage climb up the hill to the Guan Yin statue and enjoy the panoramic view of the Bay Area fireworks. The climb represents the traditional practice of a mountain pilgrimage.


Half-Day Meditation Retreat

Meditation can help you focus your mind, calm down, become more aware, and see things as they truly are. If you have completed the beginning meditation classes, we invite you to participate in the half-day meditation retreat to further advance your meditation practice. The upcoming half-day meditation retreat is on June 5, 19, & 26 from 8:30 am to noon. (Beginning level of Chan meditation class is required.)

  Meritorious Volunteering

Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.


Words of Wisdom

To change our fate, we should focus on the cause instead of the outcome. The Buddhist teaching of causality tells us that what happens in our lives come from our own efforts. Understanding causality means we can create our own destiny. —Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh


(For more words of wisdom)


Ullambana Ceremony Meng Shan Food Bestowal and Memorial Service


經云:「是佛弟子修孝順者,應念念中常憶父母供養,乃至七世父母,年年七月十五日常以孝順慈憶所生父母,乃至七世父母,為作盂蘭盆,施佛及僧,以報父母長養慈愛之恩。」際此法會期間,將恭誦藥師經、盂蘭盆經及小蒙山施食超薦等法事,祈仗 三寶慈力加被,薦拔累世父母業障消除、超生善道,現世父母增福延壽、吉祥平安,並以此嚴淨功德上報四恩,下濟三有,回向世界和平、國泰民安,法界有情,悉發菩提心,共入性海。屆時殷望十方大眾闔府蒞臨,拈香參禮、聞法共修,深植淨因,廣結善緣,共證菩提。


88 Buddhas Repentance CeremonyPicture21

Join us on Fridays, September 9, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, in chanting the 88 Buddhas. It is an excellent way to clear our karmic obstacles and draw out our inner wisdom. Click here to learn more.

 Meritorious Volunteering

Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.


[:en]May 2016 Newsletter[:]


Words of Wisdom

Cultivation is not the study of doctrines, nor should it do without the doctrines. Without the teachings as a guide, we can easily stray from the right path or mistake some small insight as true enlightenment. When our minds are troubled, studying sutras or attending Dharma lectures can correct our views, calm our minds, and quickly turn our afflictions around.


—Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh

(For more words of wisdom)

Buddha’s Birthday Celebration & Gratitude Medicine Buddha Sutra Ceremony

On Saturday, May 14 at 9:30 am, Buddha Gate Monastery will host the annual ceremony of Bathing the Buddha and celebrate Buddha’s 3043rd birthday. Following with tradition, an outdoor altar will be arranged as a flower garden, representing the Garden of Lumbini where Buddha was born. The Abbess will use a special ladle to pour fragrant herb water over the infant Buddha statue. The assembly will then be invited to do the same.

Bathing the Buddha signifies inner purification. By cleansing away our vexations, defilements, and deluded minds, we will bring forward our Buddha nature and become enlightened. We invite you to join us in honoring the birth of the Buddha. May all sentient beings wash away their vexations and realize their intrinsic pure nature.


Gratitude Medicine Buddha Sutra Ceremony During the Sangha Summer Retreat

On Sundays, May 14, June 12, and July 10, join us for the Gratitude Ceremony on Medicine Buddha Sutra. The Medicine Buddha is associated with healing and the curing of illnesses, both physical and mental (of which delusion is the root cause) through the medicine of the Buddhist teachings.

From May 14 to August 27, Buddha Gate Monastery invites all Dharma friends and disciples to join us in the daily recitation of the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata during the Sangha Summer Retreat. To learn more about the Sangha Summer Retreat, and to view the daily recitation schedule, please click here.

Picture2188 Buddhas Repentance Ceremony

Join us on Fridays, May 27, June 24, and July 22, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, in chanting the 88 Buddhas. It is an excellent way to clear our karmic obstacles and draw out our inner wisdom. Click here to learn more.

Picture3One Stick of Incense

One Stick of Incense Buddhist Service consists of chanting the sutras in English, meditating, and Dharma talk. This process helps us purify our minds and develop our inner wisdom and compassion. We finish by dedicating merits to all sentient beings in hope that they will awaken to their pure natures, and obtain inner peace and joy. This one hour service starts at 10:30 a.m., on May 22 & 29, is open to everyone and ideal for first-time visitors.


Half-Day Meditation Retreat

Meditation can help you focus your mind, calm down, become more aware, and see things as they truly are. If you have completed the beginning meditation classes, we invite you to participate in the half-day meditation retreat to further advance your meditation practice. The upcoming half-day meditation retreat is on June 5, 19, & 26 from 8:30 am to noon. (Beginning level of Chan meditation class is required.)

Meritorious Volunteering

Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.