Words of Wisdom
A Zen master once said, “Be unmoved by the wind of joy, unstirred by the wind of anger.” Observe that all phenomena are illusive manifestations of causes and conditions. Unmoved by external circumstances, this present mind will have the power of stillness and wisdom, attaining self-mastery and liberation. —Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh
禪宗祖師說:「喜風吹不動,瞋風吹不生。」觀一切都是因緣、都是假相,心不隨外境所轉,當下這念心就有定力、就有智慧,就得解脫、得自在。—惟覺大和尚法語 —惟覺大和尚法語
(For more words of wisdom)
Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony
“Hatred is never appeased by hatred in the world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.”—The Dhammapada Sutra.
Guan Yin Bodhisattva is the manifestation of great compassion and teaches us that hatred can only be extinguished through compassion. On Sunday, September 25 at 9:30 a.m. Buddha Gate Monastery invites you to participate in our Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony. Together, let’s learn and practice the spirit of great compassion. After the ceremony, please join us for a free vegetarian lunch.
88 Buddhas Repentance Ceremony
Join us on Fridays, October 7 and November 11, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, in chanting the 88 Buddhas. It is an excellent way to clear our karmic obstacles and draw out our inner wisdom.
Half-Day Meditation Retreat
Meditation can help you focus your mind, calm down, become more aware, and see things as they truly are. If you have completed the beginning meditation classes, we invite you to participate in the half-day meditation retreat to further advance your meditation practice. The upcoming half-day meditation retreat is on October 9, 16 and 23 and November 6, 13 and 20 from 8:30 am to noon.

One Stick of Incense
This is an hour-long service of chanting the sutras in English, meditating, and listening to a Dharma talk. This process helps us purify our minds and develop our inner wisdom and compassion. We finish by dedicating merits to all sentient beings in hope that they will awaken to their pure nature, and obtain inner peace and joy. Buddist Service is open to everyone and ideal for first-time visitors. The upcoming dates are October 2, December 11, and December 18.
eritorious Volunteering
Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.
Words of Wisdom
A Zen master once said, “Be unmoved by the wind of joy, unstirred by the wind of anger.” Observe that all phenomena are illusive manifestations of causes and conditions. Unmoved by external circumstances, this present mind will have the power of stillness and wisdom, attaining self-mastery and liberation. —Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh
禪宗祖師說:「喜風吹不動,瞋風吹不生。」觀一切都是因緣、都是假相,心不隨外境所轉,當下這念心就有定力、就有智慧,就得解脫、得自在。—惟覺大和尚法語 —惟覺大和尚法語
(For more words of wisdom)
Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony
“Hatred is never appeased by hatred in the world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.”—The Dhammapada Sutra.
Guan Yin Bodhisattva is the manifestation of great compassion and teaches us that hatred can only be extinguished through compassion. On Sunday, September 25 at 9:30 a.m. Buddha Gate Monastery invites you to participate in our Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony. Together, let’s learn and practice the spirit of great compassion. After the ceremony, please join us for a free vegetarian lunch.
88 Buddhas Repentance Ceremony
Join us on Fridays, October 7 and November 11, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, in chanting the 88 Buddhas. It is an excellent way to clear our karmic obstacles and draw out our inner wisdom.
Half-Day Meditation Retreat
Meditation can help you focus your mind, calm down, become more aware, and see things as they truly are. If you have completed the beginning meditation classes, we invite you to participate in the half-day meditation retreat to further advance your meditation practice. The upcoming half-day meditation retreat is on October 9, 16 and 23 and November 6, 13 and 20 from 8:30 am to noon.

One Stick of Incense
This is an hour-long service of chanting the sutras in English, meditating, and listening to a Dharma talk. This process helps us purify our minds and develop our inner wisdom and compassion. We finish by dedicating merits to all sentient beings in hope that they will awaken to their pure nature, and obtain inner peace and joy. Buddist Service is open to everyone and ideal for first-time visitors. The upcoming dates are October 2, December 11, and December 18.
eritorious Volunteering
Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.