January 2018


Words of Wisdom

The Buddha Dharma teaches us that our mind is the Dharma Realms; a dark mindset fills the entire Dharma Realm with darkness. There is both good and evil in our mind; however, within a single thought, the mind is enlightened, and the darkness of tens, hundreds and even thousands of years will be dispelled without a trace.
—Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh
(For more words of wisdom)
佛法告訴我們,心就是法界,心黑暗,整個法界都黑暗。 善與惡都在這念心,只要念頭一轉、心燈一照,過去幾十年、 幾百年、幾千年的黑暗立刻消失得無影無蹤。

Picture142018 Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony

On Friday, February 16 from 11:00 to 11:50 A.M., Buddha Gate Monastery invites you to celebrate the Lunar New Year and participate in the ringing of the auspicious bell to bring forward a harmonious New Year. The ringing of the bell also reminds us to stay true to our awakening path to enlightenment. Join us for a free vegetarian lunch immediately following the ceremony.

Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony

The eighty-eight Buddhas repentance liturgy was compiled from these two sutras: one is  “Sutra of the Medicine King and Superior Medicine Bodhisattvas ” and the other is “The Sutra of the Great Accumulation of Treasures”.  In the sutra, it is said that when you are mindful of the Buddha’s name, you will receive infinite blessings, when you sincerely bow to the Buddha, you will irradicate infinite misdeeds. On Sunday, February 25, from 9:30 to 12:00,  join us in the 88 Buddhas Repentance Ceremony. Chanting the 88 Buddhas’ names is a practice that allows us to pay respect to all the Buddhas who have already attained enlightenment, repent on our misdeeds, reduce our false ego, and help us to see our true nature. Join us for a free vegetarian lunch immediately following the ceremony.

Sign UpSign up for January Classes

The next series of twelve-week classes start January 6. Click here to sign up. There will not be classes on February 16, in celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year.
Buddha Gate Monastery offers twelve-week classes of different levels in English and Chinese, from Leven I to Leven III and even to advanced sutra studies. Each class meets for about two hours, consisting of meditation practice in the first hour, and a lecture on Buddhist teachings in the second hour.  Everyone is welcome. The classes are free; the Monastery is funded by unsolicited donations. Visit our website under “classes” for more details. 

Bodhi Seed and Bodhi Youth Classes Start This Week

The next series of ten week Bodhi Seed children’s meditation classes starts Saturday, January 20 at 10:15 AM.  It’s a great class for children ages 5 to 10 and is designed to help students discover their inner wisdom through meditation and Chan stories. The creatively designed curriculum consists of instructions on meditation techniques, Dharma talks, Buddhist/Chan stories, mind-developing activities, group discussions, and fun crafts.
For older students, the Bodhi Youth Class builds from the Bodhi Seed program, and is tailored to youth between the ages of 10 to 17.  The class is held every other Friday night from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. This session’s meeting dates are January 19; February 2; March 2, 16, and 30. (No class on February 16 because of the Lunar New Year). Parents welcome. Click here to sign up for either classes. 

Picture3One Stick of Incense

One Stick of Incense Buddhist Service consists of chanting the sutras in English, meditating, and Dharma talk. This process helps us purify our minds and develop our inner wisdom and compassion. We finish by dedicating merits to all sentient beings in hope that they will awaken to their pure natures, and obtain inner peace and joy. This one hour service starts at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays and at 10:30 a.m., on January 14, 21, and 28, February 4, 11 and 18, is open to everyone and ideal for first-time visitors.

Picture110Lamp Offering

Making a Lamp Offering to the Buddha is a way to honor the Buddha while awakening our own intrinsic wisdom. According to the scriptures, when making a Buddha lamp offering, we gain good health, purity of the mind, freedom from worries, and extinction of ignorance. We can also dedicate the merits to our loved ones and all humanity. You can now sign up to make a Lamp Offering for the year 2018 (January 1 to December 31).


Meritorious Volunteering

Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.


[:en]November 2017[:]


Words of Wisdom

Giving praise to others help eliminate impure speech. Rejoicing in others’ success or good deeds overcomes our jealousy. If we all uphold pure speech, learn from and commend others’ merits, and practice charitable giving and kind words, our society will be filled with harmony. 

—Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh

(For more words of wisdom)



The Diamond Sutra Ceremony

On Sunday, November 19 from 9:30 am to noon, Buddha Gate Monastery invites you to participate in our monthly ceremony and chant the Diamond of Perfect Wisdom Sutra. Chanting the sutra and prostrating to the Buddha allow us to repent our misdeeds, purify our karma, receive Buddha’s blessings, and be in touch with our Buddha nature. Join us for a free vegetarian lunch immediately following the ceremony. 

Liang Huang Jeweled Repentance Ceremony

Please join us for the Liang Huang Jeweled Repentance Ceremony taking place every day from December 24 to January 1. This is an opportunity for repentance, reflection, and forgiveness. Cleanse the improper karma of our past and welcome 2018 with a pure mind. The repentance liturgy will be recited each day in the morning and afternoon. Click here for the details and schedule. 


 Two-Day Chan Meditation Retreat

If you have completed the beginning meditation classes, we invite you to participate in the two-day meditation retreat on November 25 & 26 to further advance your meditation practice.  Please wear meditation clothing for meditation retreats, they may be obtained at the monastery reception desk. Registration required; please contact the monastery to sign up. Please note that the monastery will be closed to visitors during the two day meditation retreat. 

Picture3One Stick of Incense

One Stick of Incense Buddhist Service consists of chanting the sutras in English, meditating, and Dharma talk. This process helps us purify our minds and develop our inner wisdom and compassion. We finish by dedicating merits to all sentient beings in hope that they will awaken to their pure natures, and obtain inner peace and joy. This one hour service starts at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays and at 10:30 a.m., on Sundays, December 3, 10 & 17 is open to everyone and ideal for first-time visitors.


Meritorious Volunteering

Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.



[:en]Reflections: 2016 Lianghuang [:zh]Reflections: 2016 梁皇寶懺法會[:]


傳遠/總監 (English is pending)


1. 真誠心可以表現在全程參與(拜懺或義工)。這段時間,生活中以參與梁皇為第一優先。非萬不得已,絕不缺席。

2. 拜懺當中,身上總會有痛和酸。把克服酸痛看做是懺悔誠意的具體表現。將酸痛觀想成只是一粒沙,克服它將會滅除恆河沙的諸業障。如此觀想,更令自己安住當下,真誠懺悔。



Darlene 傳領/研經班/副會長

It was the vision and compassion of Grand Master Wei Chueh, that we have Buddha Gate Monastery, and are able to once again hold this age old repentance ceremony. There was excitement “in the air” and much Chan joy. The assembly wanted to be there and participated sincerely. The monastic and lay disciples, who served to make this event happen, had different areas of expertise yet all elements came together harmoniously. Our practice was deepened as we became aware of and adapted to changing conditions. The thought that went into the preparation of the altar, reflected the beauty and light of my True nature, that realization, being the ultimate repentance. Amituofo, Chuan Ling

Mary 傳皓/研經班/照客組長

The Buddha said, “people have twenty kinds of difficulties:
It is difficult to encounter the Buddhist Sutras and it is difficult to meet the right learned teacher.” With gratitude these are two of the difficulties we do not have. We are here at Buddha Gate Monastery, learning the Buddhist Sutras, learning the Dharma from Grand Master Wei- Chueh’s words of wisdom and teachings, the Abbess and Dharma Masters. We must practice diligently to try and repay the kindness of Grand Master. Grand Master has given us clear instructions on how to practice. Protect and support the monasteries, share the Dharma with others, deepen our cultivation through merits, wisdom and meditation and practice the Bodhisattva Way. To take on infinite suffering and impart great joy to all. Grand Master said with great vows we can overcome all obstacles.

Prior and during the 2016 Liang Huang Repentance Ceremony and 2017 New Year Ceremony I was inspired and moved by the diligent practice of the Abbess, Shifus, volunteers and participants. The ceremonies took place over eight days but preparations started much earlier. Many hours went into the preparation for the ceremonies on many levels with so many details that required attention. We must practice more diligently to show our gratitude, support and protect the monastery and Sangha. The Dharma Masters vows are great and they practice tirelessly to make sure we have a place to learn Buddha’s teachings and practice The Way.

During the ceremonies it was very meaningful to observe everyone practicing together. While practicing with like minded people the assembly comes together in a very special way. As the connection increases to the Buddha Dharma so does the connection between participants. During the Liang Huang Ceremony we make Repentance through chanting the Buddha’s and Bodhisattva’s names, chanting the Repentance Liturgy and making prostrations. We repent for past misdeeds for ourselves, parents, families, ancestors and all sentient beings. We make sincere repentance to eradicate negative karma and obstructions for all. Through making repentance we cultivate compassion. There are so many sentiment beings suffering in all of the realms we must do all we can to help relieve their suffering.

During the 2017 New Year Ceremony we made light and flower offerings to the Buddha on behalf of ourselves and all sentient beings so that the light of wisdom may dispel the darkness of ignorance. We chanted the Diamond of Perfect Wisdom Sutra which Buddha explains and teaches us the Truth and how to practice. The Abbess gave a Dharma talk where she shared Grand Masters instructions how to practice, where our focus should be, to practice diligently and the meaning of striking the New Year Bell. I was very moved when she explained the sound of the striking bell increases the awareness for sentiment beings in all of the realms. It has been deeply moving and inspiring to have been able to participate in such worthy Dharma events. I am truly grateful to be a part of the Chung Tai World and Buddha Gate Monastery.

Amitofo, Chuan Hao

Sue 傳倫/研經班/副會長

For the last 10 years I have been grateful to be able to participate in the Liang Huang Jeweled repentance ceremony. This ceremony from the preparation, to the ceremony of the 10 scrolls, to the New Year celebration lets me see how important it is to come together to create an environment for all to practice and through participation can make positive changes.
Over the years of volunteering, acolyting, and playing drum and bell , I realize how important the details of preparation is to see a harmonious outcome. From paying attention to details of the acolyte schedule to preparing liturgy for drum and bell all make a difference.
Within this ceremony there is opportunity for me to pay homage to the Buddha’s, clarify and cleanse my mind, and deepen my understanding for repentance. To realize what is happening to me good or bad, easy or difficult, I have to embrace it and keep practicing the Bodhisattva path. To cherish this time to review myself from this past year, to recall situations I wish I could have done differently and make amends. To let go of burdens of regret and focus on setting a good cause.
I consider being a part of the acolyte team and drum and bell team a blessing. And this year I was amazed by our new and young members of the acolyte team how they blossomed and worked harmoniously together. They exemplified Grand Masters teaching of Harmony. There was always kind words of support, trust and sincerity and lack of ego throughout the week. These teachings helped build a solid and committed acolyte team.
I am forever grateful to Grand Master for his wisdom and compassion. And for the Abbess and all the Dharma masters for their continued compassionate support and guidance.
Chuan Lun

Hsin-Yeh 法筵/中級禪修班

Even on top of my senior year workload and college applications, the last thing I needed was more stress. But I still signed up to help out for this ceremony as an acolyte and emcee.

The stress mostly came from being unfamiliar with the procedures. For I have only ever attended one ceremony and been an acolyte for another before. However, I cannot feel more blessed to have the opportunity to work with other acolytes, all of whom were so willing to teach and guide me. I learned the power of dedication; I also learned my capacity–and how far beyond it I can go–to devote myself to something so rare, magnificent, and wholesome.

My time spent learning and working here seems all the more valuable. From this experience, I am inspired by everyone’s effort and will continue to support the monastery in any way I can.




1. 真誠心可以表現在全程參與(拜懺或義工)。這段時間,生活中以參與梁皇為第一優先。非萬不得已,絕不缺席。

2. 拜懺當中,身上總會有痛和酸。把克服酸痛看做是懺悔誠意的具體表現。將酸痛觀想成只是一粒沙,克服它將會滅除恆河沙的諸業障。如此觀想,更令自己安住當下,真誠懺悔。


Darlene 傳領/研經班/副會長


Mary 傳皓/研經班/照客組長

「得睹佛經難,會善知識難」。感恩我們並沒有這兩種難。我們在佛門寺聽經聞法,學習惟覺老和尚的智慧及法語、也向住持法師和諸位師父學習。我們一定要勤於修行,以報老和尚慈悲之恩。 老和尚明確地指示了我們修行的方法:護持道場、弘揚佛法、並藉由福德、智慧和禪定來深化修行、行菩薩道。我們要能拔苦與樂。老和尚說過,發大願就能克服一切障礙。
法會期間,大眾以相同的理念,殊勝的方式一齊發心,這樣的共修別具意義。隨著大眾與佛法的相應逐增,與會大眾彼此也深結法緣。 梁皇寶懺法會當中我們稱誦佛菩薩的聖號、讀誦懺文、跪拜。我們為自己、父母、家人、歷代宗親和一切有情眾生過去所造的罪業懺悔。我們至誠懺悔,希望為一切眾生消除惡業與障礙。藉由禮懺,我們長養慈悲心。法界無數眾生身陷諸苦,我們必須盡力幫助他們解除苦惱。

Sue 傳倫/研經班/副會長







