Words of Wisdom
“Spring is the time to plan your year. Morning the time to plan your day. Diligence is the way to lead your life.” Success is achieved only with effort; there is no free lunch in life. Not only should we work hard, we should also put our efforts in the right direction, so we do not detour or take the wrong path. —Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh
「一年之計在於春,一日之計在於晨,一生之計在於勤」,凡事都要經過一番努力才能有所成就,天下沒有白吃的午餐。不只要努力,還要找對方向,不要走錯路,走遠路。 —惟覺安公老和尚法語
(For more words of wisdom)
Liang Huang Jeweled Repentance Ceremony
Please join us for the Liang Huang Jeweled Repentance Ceremony taking place every day from December 25 to January 1. (Click on the daily schedule in English or Chinese). This is an opportunity for repentance, reflection, and forgiveness. Cleanse the improper karma of our past and welcome 2017 with a pure mind. The repentance liturgy will be recited each day in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Click here for more details.
7 New Year Blessing Ceremony
We invite you to participate in the 2017 New Year Blessing Ceremony on January 1st at 9:30 AM. The ceremony helps us to learn from the past and work on the right causes in the present. The striking of the bell at the end of the ceremony calls for the awakening from our delusions and liberation of all sentient beings. Join us for a free vegetarian lunch immediately following the ceremony.
Sign up for January Classes
The next series of twelve week classes starts January 14. Click here to sign up. There will not be classes on January 28, in celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year.
Buddha Gate Monastery offers twelve-week classes of different levels in English and Chinese. The classes progress from the beginning Zen meditation and fundamentals of Buddhism, to advanced sutra studies. Each class meets for about two hours, consisting of meditation practice in the first hour, and a lecture on Buddhist teachings in the second hour. Everyone is welcome. The classes are free; the Monastery is funded by unsolicited donations. Visit our website under “classes” for more details.
One Stick of Incense
One Stick of Incense Buddhist Service consists of chanting the sutras in English, meditating, and Dharma talk. This process helps us purify our minds and develop our inner wisdom and compassion. We finish by dedicating merits to all sentient beings in hope that they will awaken to their pure nature, and obtain inner peace and joy. Buddist Service is open to everyone and ideal for first-time visitors. The upcoming dates are December 11 and December 18.
Lamp Offering
Making a Lamp Offering to the Buddha is a way to honor the Buddha while awakening our own intrinsic wisdom. According to the scriptures, when making a Buddha lamp offering, we gain good health, purity of the mind, freedom from worries, and extinction of ignorance. We can also dedicate the merits to our loved ones and all humanity. You can now sign up to make a Lamp Offering for the year 2017 (January 1 to December 31).

Food Drive
This holiday season, Buddha Gate Monastery is conducting a Vegetarian Food Drive to benefit our local Food Bank. In these difficult economic times, please consider giving generously to those less fortunate. Thank you for your support!
Food donations must be non-perishable (i.e., rice, pasta, canned goods) and not expired. Ingredients such as alcohol, meat, seafood, eggs, gelatin, rennet, garlic, onions, scallions, leeks, chives, Chinese chives, and cilantro are not recommended.
Meritorious Volunteering
Volunteers form an important part of the Buddha Gate community. You can help the monastery by maintaining the buildings and grounds, working in the kitchen, and preparing for ceremonial events. By generously offering your time to support the monastery you not only accumulate blessings, but also practice patience, compassion, tolerance and working harmoniously with others, thereby developing the Chan state of mind and applying it toward everyday life. The monastery invites everyone to participate in the meritorious volunteering every Sunday afternoon.