Chan Meditation & Advanced Buddhist Contemplation and Practices
The meditation portion builds on the Level 1 & 2 methods and includes the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. The lecture topics include the Ten Dharma Realms, Twelve Links of Interdependence, Four Foundations of Mindfulness, The Four Great Vows, and Four Ways of Bodhisattva Fellowship.
Prerequisites: Completion of Level 1 & Level 2 Classes required.
課程大綱 :佛法及佛教經論/ 靜坐方法
每週上課兩小時。前一小時由法師親自指導大眾禪修靜坐的方法,即修數息、觀息,藉由前方便讓心慢慢沉靜下來﹐再以頓悟的法門中道實相觀,直接體悟當前一念清淨心,親見自己本來面目。後一小時由淺至深、次第講授佛法 教授四威儀、慈悲觀、十二因緣、六波羅蜜(布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定、智慧)、四攝法、普賢十大願等基礎佛學。