New Chan Hall Purification Ceremony: A Special Invitation to Ven. Jian Ying, Abbot of Chung Tai Chan Monastery, for a Dharma Talk and Transmission of the Three Refuges and Five Precepts

New Chan(Zen) Hall Purification Ceremony & Dharma Talk

 Buddha Gate Monastery is delighted to introduce its newly remodeled Zen Hall, which underwent a transformation from 2020 to 2022. This serene and magnificent space has been thoughtfully designed to create an ideal environment for meditation and Buddhist practices. To celebrate this significant renovation, the monastery will host a purification ceremony, with special invitation to Venerable Master Jianying, the Abbot of Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan,  to preside over the event and give us a Dharma talk. We sincerely invite you to join us for this auspicious occasion.

Three Refuges Transmission Ceremony

    Taking the Three Refuges is the formal step in becoming a Buddhist. Buddhist monasteries hold the transmission ceremony to guide practitioners in making this important vow.

    This practice carries two profound meanings: to return and to rely.  By taking the Three Refuges, we acknowledge that we have been deluded and erroneous in our ways. Instead of reflecting inward to understand ourselves, we have indulged in greed and anger and pursued pleasures. Now we wish to return to the purity of our Buddha Nature, and we need to rely on the wisdom and guidance of the Three Jewels—Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Those who take refuge are protected by 36 guardian spirits and the merciful light of the Three Jewels.

Buddha is the Enlightened One, the guiding teacher of our cultivation.

Dharma is the teaching of the Buddha, the wisdom that can guide us to enlightenment.

Sangha is the community of ordained Buddhist monks and nuns, who devote themselves to the practice and teaching of the Dharma. There are many paths in cultivation. By taking refuge in Sangha, we will not take the wrong path.

    On a deeper level, the Sixth Patriarch says, “Buddha represents the enlightened mind, Dharma represents Truth, and Sangha represents purity and harmony.” By taking three refuges we develop our intrinsic Three Jewels.

Five Precepts Transmission Ceremony

    The Five precepts provide practical guidelines on our way of life, enabling us to avoid future suffering, to become responsible persons, and to obtain happiness and peace of mind. By upholding the five precepts, one will be guaranteed return in the human realm. People can be rich or poor, have long or short lives, be smart or stupid, be beautiful or ugly, be tall or short—these are all results of different degrees of observing the five precepts.

No Killing : To refrain from abortion, killing, and harming human beings and other sentient beings such as animals, birds, even insects. The direct karmic result of killing is usually shortened life span and illness.

No Stealing : To refrain from taking things that belong to another without permission. To obtain something with improper means is also stealing. The karmic consequence of stealing is poverty or worse.

No Sexual Misconduct : To refrain from improper sexual acts, such as promiscuity and adultery. Lust is one of human beings’ strongest drives, and if it is not properly controlled, it can cause much harm and heartache to oneself and to those involved.

No Lying : To refrain from deceitful and other false speech. Those who are dishonest will lose their integrity and have no friends.

No Intoxicants : To refrain from taking alcohol, illegal substances and the like, which delude and muddle the mind. When one is drunk or under the influence, rationality dissipates.

    By upholding one of the five precepts, one will be protected by five guardian spirits. By upholding all of the five precepts, one will be pro- tected by twenty-five guardian spirits. Those who strictly observe the superior grade of the five precepts will be outstanding beings in the world, en- joy great wealth and nobility. Those who observe the medium grade of the five precepts will enjoy a certain amount of wealth & nobility. Those who observe the lower level of the five precepts can achieve rebirth in the human realm. Those who observe the lowest level of the five precepts will be reborn as humans but will not have perfect sense organs.

   The five precepts are the foundations of all virtues. One should uphold the five precepts in this lifetime to liberate oneself from the suffering of samsara.

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Oct 19 2024


10:00 am - 3:00 pm