Vegetarian Cuisine -->Seaweed Cheese and Ham Wrap


  1. Vege chicken ham
  2. Carrot
  3. American cheese
  4. Asparagus (or small cucumber)
  5. Roasted dried seaweed
  6. Mayonnaise
Vegetarian Shark Fin and Mushrooms Stir Fry  


Cut vege chicken ham, carrot, and asparagus into 4” sticks. Cut seaweed into 4” sheets. Deep or pan fry vege chicken ham. Blanch carrots and asparagus then transfer to cold distilled water to prevent yellowing (over cooking).

Lay the seaweed sheet on the bottom follow by cheese. Arrange asparagus, carrot, vege chicken ham and mayonnaise above the cheese. Wrap tightly and seal the seaweed with mayonnaise. Cut into bit size and arrange on platter. Serve.



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